“What is the profile of your typical client?”

  • 我们服务的客户范围很广, 然而, the majority of our clients are in between the ages of 51-70, preparing for or already in retirement.
  • Due to the increased complexity and challenges in today’s financial world, 近年来,我们扩大了服务范围,为年轻家庭提供财务规划和投资管理服务.
  • We help people from numerous industries, 然而, have more recently specialized in helping those in telecommunications, 航空公司, 还有石油和天然气行业.
  • While we try our best to serve all clients, our clients typically have a minimum of $250,可投资的资产. We do make exceptions for family or close friends of current clients, individuals seeking a second opinion or not pleased with their current advisor, or someone facing a major life-style change ie changing jobs, 离婚, 死亡, 婚姻, 继承.等.


“I would like to meet with 日博best365下载公司.L.C. 来讨论我的经济状况. 我的下一步是什么?”

  • We offer an initial meeting with our financial professionals, free of charge. This gives us a chance to meet you and understand your life goals. 反过来, we will share with you our life planning process, 投资管理理念, 以及我们的客户服务团队.
  • By exploring and discussing your life goals, 这将有助于我们双方确定您的需求与我们的理念和服务之间是否有很好的匹配. For more information or to schedule a meeting, please contact our firm at 713-977-3800.


“I have my portfolio at several other investment firms. 讨论并可能将我的投资组合转移到日博best365下载有什么好处, L.L.C.?”

  • 新客户经常带着支离破碎的投资组合来找我们,这些投资组合是由多年来的投资组成的,没有真正的长期计划来实现他们的每一个人生目标. While these investments seemed to be "a good idea" at the time, 没有人会观察或协调他们的整体投资组合,看看它是否真正支持或甚至与他们的长期生活目标一致. 我们将与您一起制定书面投资计划(每天更新),看看哪些投资是合适的,哪些是不合适的. 然后,我们将帮助您整合这些投资,以简化您的财务生活, so you can have peace of mind knowing that they are being professionally managed, specifically based on all your life goals.
  • Another significant benefit is that we consider tax implications, 房地产的影响, and tax efficiency of asset allocation (taxable vs. tax-deferred) as part of your strategy. 专注于提高回报, 降低风险和帮助减少税收都是我们公司提供的谨慎的个人财务管理的一部分.


“I have an account with a national brokerage house. 日博best365下载是什么.L.C. 不同的?”

  • 日博best365下载公司.L.C采用团队方法进行分析, 发展中, and recommending changes to your current financial condition. All members of our team are at your disposal whenever you need to contact them.
  • Another significant benefit is that we consider tax implications, 房地产的影响, and tax efficiency of asset allocation (taxable vs. tax-deferred) as part of your strategy.
  • 专注于提高回报和帮助减少税收都是我们公司提供的谨慎的个人财务管理的一部分.
  • You will find a refreshingly 不同的 approach with us. 我们将花大量时间倾听和了解您的担忧和财务目标, 分析你的投资组合, and gathering data to help us construct your life plan.
  • 作为好的倾听者的结果, 我们能够提出客观的建议,以创建多个可以满足多个财务/生活目标的投资组合. 在一起, 我们将讨论任何建议更改的财务影响,以便您可以做出明智的决定.


“How does 日博best365下载公司.L.C. do business and how are you compensated?”

  • 日博best365下载公司.L.C. is a "fee-only" SEC - registered investment advisor. 我们的建议是公正、客观的,完全基于客户的个人需求和目标. 每个投资管理和/或咨询客户都将从其账户中自动扣除拖欠的费用, based on the amount of assets under management.
  • Please review our 阿德 Part II for full disclosure of all costs and fees. 点击 在这里 查看我们的阿德第二部分,并了解其中披露的所有成本和费用.


“日博best365下载是什么.L.C. 不同的 from other wealth management companies or financial planning firms?”

  • The key difference between 日博best365下载公司.L.C. and other wealth management firms is our philosophy that your investment portfolio is a piece of your overall financial and life plan; it does not stand alone. 在没有首先了解你的长期目标的情况下进行投资对我们来说是没有意义的. 我们的技术, financial professionals are experienced in first listening to you about your goals, 然后制定行动计划, before ever making recommendations for your investment portfolio. Even if a formal plan is not necessary, 我们会问问题,以确保您的投资组合的设计支持您的情况和需求. 大多数其他“财富管理”公司只关注投资,而不是你的人生目标. Part of the real value added is our consideration of the tax impact, 房地产问题, and other aspects of your situation so that your long-term wealth is maximized. 我们引以为傲的是,我们有受过专业训练的员工来提供这种专业知识.
  • We want our clients to rest easily with their investment decisions. 为了实现这一目标, 我们的金融专业团队将与您会面,帮助衡量您在投资组合时愿意承担的风险水平. 这是日博best365下载公司(日博best365下载公司.L.C. 为您创建的财务/生活计划将符合您的舒适水平和投资风险承受能力,并将每天更新, 不像大多数其他公司.
  • We do not use a "cookie-cutter" approach when allocating your portfolio. Many wealth management firms have a "one size fits all" approach to investing, whereby all clients have the same portfolio, 不管他们需要什么.


“What is 日博best365下载公司.L.C.投资理念?”

  • 什么是“战略”?“在可接受的风险下,利用现有手段实现预期目标的全面计划.
  • Our firm’s philosophy is to be long-term investors; and therefore, we believe that frequent trading does not benefit our clients. We continuously monitor your investments. 重新平衡是为了使你的投资组合与你的财务目标和风险承受能力保持一致.
  • Many other investment firms focus on "returns." We focus on downside risk in addition to returns; we know our portfolios are positioned to glean strong returns if the market performs positively. Our portfolios are designed for steady growth over time; therefore, our clients should not experience the ultra-highs or ultra-lows of the market. 这有助于让他们安心. 我们想帮助客户睡得更好, 通过资产配置, when the inevitable bear market occurs.


“Do you work with clients who live outside of the Houston area?”

  • With continued improvements in technology and communications, we are able to work with clients who live throughout the United States.  无论你住在哪里, we will continue to manage your investment portfolio, 经常和你聊天, and remain focused on your financial goals and objectives.


“My bank/Financial Advisor is offering me a "free" financial plan. 你的计划有什么不同?”

  • The old adage that "you get what you pay for" is very true in this case. 作为我们公司的客户,您将收到的财务计划既全面又具体. This means we do not use scripted and overly-simplified, prepackaged planning software often used by large financial institutions. 通常, 这些类型的计划最终被用作向客户介绍专有产品的销售工具. They are often so generalized that they have low value to a client.
  • 在大多数情况下, 预测长期财务安全的最安全方法是尽可能准确地使用事实和假设. 我们看到一些简单的计划导致了灾难性的决定,导致退休人员不得不重返工作岗位.
  • Most financial plans are stagnant and “out-of-date” as soon as they are prepared. 我们使用复杂的聚合软件每晚下载账户价值,以创建一个“实时”的财务/生活计划. 我们有能力汇总我们管理的账户,甚至是日博best365下载之外的账户, L.L.C.